PART 2 : Article resource:
Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000).
Student’s Perspectives of workplace learning and trainning in vocational
education. Journal of America Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.
1.0 Introduction
Technical Vocational education and
training (TVET) is designed to prepare individuals for a vocation or a specialized occupation and so is directly linked with a nation’s productivity
and competitiveness. Most literature generally considers that the concept of
VET is restricted to non university education. The Australian National Training
Authority (ANTA 2002a) defines workplace learning as learning or training undertaken
in the workplace, usually on the job, including on-the-job training under
normal operational conditions, and on-site training, which is conducted away
from the work process (e.g. in a training room).
2.0 Discussion
Traditionally, VET has been defined by its
aims, which are directly linked to the labour market. VET as means of preparing
for occupational fields and for effective participation in the world of work (CEDEFOP,
2011). A positive learning experience might result in benefits beyond income or
employment therefore the learning experience which results from VET (Cedefop,
2011). Moreover according Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000) stated the
main reasons for undertaking the vocational education programme were
opportunity to gain “hands on” experience and a “head start” to employment.
The article by Velde C. & Cooper T. (2000) focus
discuss about the factors for participating in vocational eduction, and
benefits. these factors for participating in vocational eduction were that they
were not doing well in academic work. Moreover, they prepared more practical work
and wished to undertake a trade or trainee-ship rather than a tertiary career. Others,
factors is given benefits of increasing employment or career options to them. With
regard future employment, benefits of participating in the combine school and
work programme like happened in vocational education Velde C. and Cooper T.
(2000) Firstly, the programme is important of developing contact for future
development. Also, it helping acquire references and contact to other people as
a facilitate a career of their choice. Secondly, the programme able to develop
a wider knowledge. Because the programme given opportunity for hands on work
experience then encourage to gain practical experience as much. Moreover, by developed
new skills and knowledge and background in the industry my help as a heart-start
to continuous preparation of work. Therefore, help them acquiring a competitive
edge with future employers.
In addition, there are suggestion about main method in
learning arrangement to acquire workplace knowledge and skills by student (Velde
C. and Cooper T. , 2000). Firstly demonstration and independent work with
support, the use of practical modules and combination of theoretical and
practical work. Students also considered that the curriculum being directly
related to their workplace, a briefing on relevant course materials and
teachers sharing their personal work experience also helped them to acquire
workplace knowledge and skills. However, some improvement also needed such as
special timetable, block work experience which is more practical experience and
increased teacher visit at placement.
Based on the article by Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000), most of the students
perspective satisfied with the workplace as given advantages to them. in fact,
it is given improvement in social and communication skills and the acquisition
of work attitudes, discipline, responsibility, confidence and seal-esteem. Others
increased motivation opportunity to acquire practical experience and career
direction (CEDEFOD, 2011).
3.0 Conclusion
With the increasing interest in high performance
work organizations, which has come to light over recent years, more interest
has been given to the contribution of training, alongside other human resource
development practices, competitive nature of the economy, and demographic,
occupational and workplace change, have had a significant impact on the nature of
the workplace. These changes have meant that the skill level of employees must
be continuously developed. The skill mix required by organizations is changing,
with employers demanding generic skills such as communication and
problem-solving skills, in addition to technical skills. As such, workplace learning,
both formal and informal, is taking on an increasingly important role in the
education and training of the workforce (Johnston et al. 2002).
Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000). Student’s Perspectives of
workplace learning and training in vocational education. Journal of America
Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.
Johnston, R, Hawke, G, McGregor, C &
Johnson, G (2002), Changing models for changing times: Learning and assessment
practices in the workplace, RCVET working paper RP112 02-02, available at
<>, viewed June 2003.
CEDEFOD (2011), The benefits of vocational education
and training, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training,
Publications Office of the European Union, 2011
CEDEFOD (2011), Vocational education and
training is good for you, European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training, Publications Office of the European Union, 2011
Prepared by: MAHFUZAH
of Technical Vocational Educational & Training, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia