Friday, 30 November 2012



PART 2 : Article resource:
Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000). Student’s Perspectives of workplace learning and trainning in vocational education. Journal of America Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.

 1.0   Introduction
Technical Vocational education and training (TVET) is designed to prepare individuals for a vocation or a specialized occupation and so is directly linked with a nation’s productivity and competitiveness. Most literature generally considers that the concept of VET is restricted to non university education. The Australian National Training Authority (ANTA 2002a) defines workplace learning as learning or training undertaken in the workplace, usually on the job, including on-the-job training under normal operational conditions, and on-site training, which is conducted away from the work process (e.g. in a training room).

2.0  Discussion

Traditionally, VET has been defined by its aims, which are directly linked to the labour market. VET as means of preparing for occupational fields and for effective participation in the world of work (CEDEFOP, 2011). A positive learning experience might result in benefits beyond income or employment therefore the learning experience which results from VET (Cedefop, 2011). Moreover according Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000) stated the main reasons for undertaking the vocational education programme were opportunity to gain “hands on” experience and a “head start” to employment.

The article by Velde C. & Cooper T. (2000) focus discuss about the factors for participating in vocational eduction, and benefits. these factors for participating in vocational eduction were that they were not doing well in academic work. Moreover, they prepared more practical work and wished to undertake a trade or trainee-ship rather than a tertiary career. Others, factors is given benefits of increasing employment or career options to them. With regard future employment, benefits of participating in the combine school and work programme like happened in vocational education Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000) Firstly, the programme is important of developing contact for future development. Also, it helping acquire references and contact to other people as a facilitate a career of their choice. Secondly, the programme able to develop a wider knowledge. Because the programme given opportunity for hands on work experience then encourage to gain practical experience as much. Moreover, by developed new skills and knowledge and background in the industry my help as a heart-start to continuous preparation of work. Therefore, help them acquiring a competitive edge with future employers.

In addition, there are suggestion about main method in learning arrangement to acquire workplace knowledge and skills by student (Velde C. and Cooper T. , 2000). Firstly demonstration and independent work with support, the use of practical modules and combination of theoretical and practical work. Students also considered that the curriculum being directly related to their workplace, a briefing on relevant course materials and teachers sharing their personal work experience also helped them to acquire workplace knowledge and skills. However, some improvement also needed such as special timetable, block work experience which is more practical experience and increased  teacher visit at placement. Based on the article by Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000), most of the students perspective satisfied with the workplace as given advantages to them. in fact, it is given improvement in social and communication skills and the acquisition of work attitudes, discipline, responsibility, confidence and seal-esteem. Others increased motivation opportunity to acquire practical experience and career direction (CEDEFOD, 2011).

3.0  Conclusion

With the increasing interest in high performance work organizations, which has come to light over recent years, more interest has been given to the contribution of training, alongside other human resource development practices, competitive nature of the economy, and demographic, occupational and workplace change, have had a significant impact on the nature of the workplace. These changes have meant that the skill level of employees must be continuously developed. The skill mix required by organizations is changing, with employers demanding generic skills such as communication and problem-solving skills, in addition to technical skills. As such, workplace learning, both formal and informal, is taking on an increasingly important role in the education and training of the workforce (Johnston et al. 2002).

1.      Velde C. and Cooper T. (2000). Student’s Perspectives of workplace learning and training in vocational education. Journal of America Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.

2.      Johnston, R, Hawke, G, McGregor, C & Johnson, G (2002), Changing models for changing times: Learning and assessment practices in the workplace, RCVET working paper RP112 02-02, available at <>, viewed June 2003.

3.      CEDEFOD (2011), The benefits of vocational education and training, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Publications Office of the European Union, 2011

4.      CEDEFOD (2011), Vocational education and training is good for you, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Publications Office of the European Union, 2011

Prepared by: MAHFUZAH MUSBAN MPP11004
Master of Technical Vocational Educational & Training, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



PART 1 : Article resource:
Lee N. and Sun Chug J. (September 2002). Changes of Economic Environment and Technical & Vocational Education in Korea. Journal of America Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.

 1.0   Introduction
The industrial structure of the nation in Korea changed whereby transforming from manufacture industry to knowledge-based structures. However, the changes of economics give implication to industrial structure, labour market participation and TVE programs (Beck N., Kabst R. & Walgenbach P., 2009). Also, suggested future direction for technical vocational and education.

2.0  Discussion

The Korea economic has changes (Lee N. and Sun Chug J. September 2002). The two factors are the technology and human capital. The technology has played role important rule in the growth of the services sector in Korea. However human capital is a major industrial economics are becoming “knowledge-based” where the creation, distribution and use of information and knowledge including both technology and human capital. The impact restructured of Korea’s economic give important implications. Therefore the article mainly discussed on the implication of economic changes in Korea. These highlighted on the employment, labour market participation, and TVE programs (Lee N. and Sun Chug J. September 2002). In Korea, TVE programs to prepare students to get employment by providing adequate knowledge and skills for the work force and management caliber in various industries after their graduation. However, TVE programs should theoretically and practically be modified in order to meet the dynamics change in the business environment and labour market. Therefore, a study of employment and its changes in the industrial will enable us to understand the changes in Korean economics structure and the demand shift of labour market industries. In the labour market, the participation rate for women increased whereby the ratio of female labour market participation rates highest than male rates participation because the implication of economic changes. Developing economic depends on the TVE programs (Lee N. and Sun Chug J. September 2002). In Korea, TVE programs provided Vocational high and junior colleges. The Vocational high school aim to providing capable skilled workers equipped with sound vocational awareness and professional knowledge in order to cope with rapid changes in an information-oriented industrial society. The graduates of these vocational high schools are the major sources of skilled, craft level, industrial manpower in Korea to meet the progressive demands due to the continuing growth in industrial advanced technology. A change economic environment causes the percentage of enrolls concentrating in commercial high school program decreased while technical high school increased in same period. However, junior colleges focus on practical education which is direct outgrowth of increasing demand for attendant technical manpower and rapid industrialization as to produce mid-level skills or technicians who various industries and to also cultivate students skills. The implication is the percentage of employment after graduation increased (Beck N., Kabst R. & Walgenbach P., 2009). However, during Asia economic crisis (1997-1998) the labour market participation was decreased (Beck N., Kabst R. & Walgenbach P., 2009). This is show that the economic crisis affected workers participation in Korea. In Korea, gender segregation in labour market is high, and most women have worked in a few female-dominated occupations (Lee N. and Sun Chug J. September 2002). Moreover, half employed women work in the public sector comprised mainly of social services, teachers, nurses, ad social working special importance for female employment.

3.0  Conclusion

The article stress that TVE programs emphasize the development of human’s entrepreneurial capacity. Therefore, as the future direction of TVE the article suggested that the government attempting to contrast an open system lifelong learning which provides everyone with an education of his or her choosing and accessible at any time from any place then to transform efficiently the system of vocational education.

1.      Lee N. and Sun Chug J. (September 2002). Changes of Economic Environment and Technical & Vocational Education in Korea. Journal of America Academy of Bussiness , 172-176.

2.      Malamud O. and Pop-Eleches C.  (2006), General Education versus Vocational Training: Evidence from and Economy in Transition

3.      Beck N., Kabst R. & Walgenbach P. (2009), The cultural dependence of vocational training, Journal of International Business Studies (2009) 40, 1374–1395
Prepared by: MAHFUZAH MUSBAN MPP11004
Master of Technical Vocational Educational & Training,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Friday, 23 November 2012

Kuliah 20 Nov 2012

Kuliah pada hari ini banyak berkisar tentang  bagaimana menghasilkan artikel dan cara membaca artikel dengan betul agar lebih faham tajuk perkara dan isi kandungannya.  kuliah pada hari ini disampaikan oleh Dr. Amirmudin. Beliau banyak memberi pengetahuan dan bimbingan  kaedah membaca dan menghasilkan kertas konsep.

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7. Kaedah Mind map dan brainstorming jugamerupakan kaedah yang terbaik bagi menghasilkan artikel yang baik.

Hasil refleksi ini disediakan oleh,
Noriadah binti Abdul Karim
Sarjana Pend. (PEngurusan dan Pentadbiran)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 



Prepared By : Noraisyah Bt Mat Nor (MP111084)

Lecturer : Dr. Amirmudin Bin Udin

Source: Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE), 2012 IEEE International Conference

1.0              Introduction

This paper discussed about the various issues relating to Vocational Training in Indian context. We know that literacy and general education as a base of the knowledge pyramid essential for a economy growth of a country. Skills will increase the ability to innovate and adopt new technologies making the difference between inclusive growth and growth that leaves large segments of society behind. In low countries, scarcity of workers with relevant education and demostrated skills constrains growth of the productive formal economy. There will be a shortage of global skilled manpower by 56.5 million by 2020 out of which India will be in a position to supply 47 million skilled manpower.Government of India is having an ambition to train 500 million  persons by the year 2022 by involving all stakeholders.

2.0              Vocational Training in India

The goal of vocational educational in India is to prepare skilled manpower through diversified courses to meet the requirements of labour market of various sectors as well as to establish self-employment skills in people through a large number of self-employment oriented courses. Vocational training and education is the concurrent subject of both Central and State Goverment. The development of training schemes at National level, evolution of policy, laying of training standards, norms, conducting of examinations, etc. under the Central Goverment, while the implementation of the training schemes mainly rests with the State Government. Government of India is advised by the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). The essence of the scheme is the certification of competency from the NCVT that is nationally and internationally recognized in the world of work, automatically will producing multi skilled workforce of world standard.

3.0              TVET  Issue in Indian Context

In India, there is a mismatch between the skilled manpower required and skilled manpower available as majority of the youth passing out from universities, colleges and also educational institutions do not have the specific skill sets required by various sectors in the labour market. This issue also faced by Malaysia vocational education, there are many reports of a demand-supply mismatch, which in part contribute to unfilled employment vacancies in the industry as reported (Star Education, 2008).  

Another issue is based on the statistic was conducted by Quality Council of India (QCI), 46.6%  of workforce in service & IT sector and 41.75% workforce in industries are not vocationally trained. Besides that, in India around 93% of the workforce is in unorganized sector. Unorganized sector is characterised by lack of social sector benefits. Despite its low productivity, it contributes 60% of the country’s GDP. Skill development for the unorganized sector has the potential to give considerable support to economic growth. So, vocational education enable to help India in unorganized sector. In Malaysia, there are numerous TVET providers and the Government is the main provider, having several ministries and agencies involved. These are provider includes MOE, MOHE, State Government, Private Provider and so on.

Generally, in India everyone prefer to go for higher education whereas in Germany, Central European and Asian Tiger countries, most of the children entering the age of 14 and beyond go for vocational education & training, and the rest go ahead for higher studies. It diferent with vocational education in Malaysia because vocational education is only for those who do not do well  in ‘academically’ (Mustapha,2003). This view persists at the time of writing (2008), so much so that UNEVOC-UNESCO contemplates on changing the name TVET to something nearer to ‘‘Skill & Knowledge Development for Employability”.

4.0              Strategy to Overcome TVET Issue

To overcome the mismatch problem  among manpower, National Skill Development Corporation  India (NSDC) was set up as part of national skill development mission to fulfil the growing need in India for skilled manpower across sector and narrow the existing gap between the demand and supply of skills. In Malaysia, the mismatch issue obviously a need to improve links between schools and the industry so as to minimize this mismatch (EPU, 2008). Through work-based learning approach, vocational & training program will related with industries in order to ensure improved education and training that meet the needs of the industries and it will prevent the mismatch problem.

Besides, vocational education also start with new programmes to help in preparing an individual for job placements in the market. The unorganized sector is not only confined to agriculture or rural areas, but it also cuts across all economic sectors and includes urban areas. Because of that, organized sector plays a vital role in Indian economy.Skill development for unorganized sector has the potential to give support to economy growth as well as improve the income and also human development. For Malaysia country, in 1993, the government introduces the Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF), which is a training levy-reimbursement scheme (Hong Tan, 2001) that aims to provide accelerated industrial training and offer enormous opportunities and avenues for companies, industry associations  and public or private industrial  training institutions to contribute to more responsive and  relevant skill development.

5.0              Conclusion

Education and skills will increase the ability to innovate and adopt new technologies in economy growth of industry. This is because, in the human capital framework, knowledge and skills are specific forms of human capital. While  general education is knowledge intensive, vocational education and technical education are skills intensive (Becker, 1964). To improve the productivity of industry, trade and services as well as to make India more competititve, this matter of vocational training would have to be taken up with all the India associations. Participation of local bodies and other societies can greatly contribute in the skill development specifically for unorganized sector. Besides that, one of the suggestions for the successful implementation of the vocational education is financial assistance to the institutions offering vocational courses should  also be increased in order to build up infrastructure facilities. This is because funding and infrastructure are positively related because insufficient funding will be barrier for vocational education to develop knowledge and skills, and also preparing them to enter the workforce with a set os specific, technical skills.

6.0              References

Becker G.S. (1964). Human Capital, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research.

EPU, 2008. Accessed 10 Sept 08.

Hong Tan, 2001. ‘Malaysia’s HRDF: An Evaluation of Its Effects on Training and Productivity’.                 (

Mustapha, K. et al, 2003. ‘Integrasi Akademik dan Vokasional: Rasional dan Cabaran’. Jurnal Pendidikan     28 (2003) 77-90.



Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Assignment 2-Review and critics article-Noriadah binti Abdul Karim

Gender issues in vocational education and training and workplace achievement of 14-19 year olds: an EOC perspective.
The Curriculum Journal Vol. 10 no. 2 summer 1999

This article currently discusses about the gender issues and young people in vocational education. In a few decades ago, people will live in a traditional pattern where they segregate according to their gender in an employment. Even when there is a new policy in 1975 state that they can work together but still it remains the same as the traditional pattern. This article also states that even though girls perform better than boys in the academic but it is not a vocational choice. The article said that based on experiment of this issue; show that women have lower potential for their career development than in men.


Historically, the role of education and training was to prepare men and women for different roles beyond schooling. Boys and girls learn in a different thing. Girls’ performance is better than boys’ when it’s come in education such as mathematics, science and so on that related to education whereas boys’ performance are better in vocational education such as woodwork, metalwork as well as technical skills. That’s why many women prefer to work as a lawyer and educator than to be an engineer and pilot which needs a big skill and energy. In vocational education and training also have the stage as education, the higher the level, the higher the qualification. This article also discussed about the qualification in the vocational education.


The role of Technical Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) makes the development of gender equality in school. It also tells us the achievements of TVEI that want to produce more innovative product from different gender.  TVEI also have their success in encouraging girls to get involved in technical skills which they were under-represented.
            The part 1 GNVQ encourages the development in a vocational education by young students. GNVQ also shows that the young people involving more in vocational education than the adults. At first, GNVQ only has 3 subjects such as business, health and social care and also in manufacturing. After a few years, GNVQ increases rapidly and expanding to more subjects.
Nowadays, young people need better information about the implication of the choices that they will make in selecting the courses. In further education, the majority of the students are women. This is because the women are more to academic stuff then be in a skills education. Male students normally will get involved in courses such as engineering field while female students will more interested in the science field and get involved in business. But all this doesn’t mean that they cannot study the opposite field. There are some female students that success in engineering but just a few of them. It is because they think that they can’t make in if they do the men’s job. The other reason is also because of the traditional patterns makes segregation occurs in their education.

            Usually the women will take the lower qualification in finding a job whereas men will get a professional job such as pilot and engineer. At the age of 14-19 years old, young people may take the work based training for their future if they do not go for further study. There’re a lot of options that can help them such as a variety of activities focused on life and work skills as well as career preparation.

In my opinion, I see that nowadays most of the young people prefer to be in a vocational education. This article is good but it’s better if this article contains more information about the organization of  vocational education to refer for young people so that they can make the best decision for their future. Not only that, it also can be the guidance for them to make a choice. However, academic education is important as well. Without academic education, people won’t be first-rate in vocational. This article should put an option for both educations so that teenagers can be good in both ways.
            I am agreeing with the statement that says women only work on their ability. But this is also because of they can’t give full commitment to any ‘’Man’s job’’ because if they will have another important commitment. For example a mother, she has to look after her children and at the same time working. If she works as an engineer, then it will make her busy and her children will be neglected. This could be the reason why most of the women didn’t choose ‘’Man’s job’’ such as engineer, mechanics and a carpenter as their job. At the same time, I think occupation such as lawyer and businesswomen also are a professional occupation.
            This article also clearly stated women get involved with the lower qualification in finding the job. This is because some women don’t have much commitment to take the heavy job as man such as to be an engineer. However, there are some women becoming an engineer nowadays and also with the men also likes to be a teacher which is suitable for women. This is because the ability of people nowadays getting higher and more people whether man or girl competent to do all job based on their personality and requirement of current situation in our country. However, it's just a minority of them want to try the new things and new challenge as having satisfaction in their jobs. . The rest still remains the same in their own profession.
            Nowadays, young people whether boys or girls should get involved more in vocational education to have more ability and skills in finding job after finished their school due to world economic transformation. This is because the vocational actually are very important and needed to develop the country’s industries, as the major producer of workforce, for creating, re-creating and transforming resources. The education system also can no longer operate in isolation but must integrate and reflect society’s needs and be the medium for transforming society so that teenagers can enjoy equal rights. The government may have the primary responsibility for education but every individual has a role to play and a contribution to make in order that female education becomes a reality. The young students are needed and also with the fresh mind, they  can make a difference in innovation to enhance productivity.

            In conclusion, I totally agree with this article that shows young students will make the difference in developing the country. It’s also clearly stated that women and men has been segregated in vocational education because of the traditional patterns happens in the previous age group and the competency in doing task in technical and vocational field.

Prepared by,
Noriadah binti Abdul Karim
Master of Edu.(Management and Administration)
Universiti Teknolgi Malaysia


  1. Gender issues in vocational education and training and workplace achievement of 14-19 year olds: an EOC perspective. The Curriculum Journal Vol. 10 no. 2 summer 1999

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